AssetHouse Limited is an international wealth management company based in Mauritius. The island of Mauritius has a favorable tax regime, a large number of Double Tax Treaties with various countries and has earned a solid reputation as a world-class international financial services hub. All financial companies in Mauritius are licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission.
With years of experience and a history of ceaseless dedication to our client’s interests, AssetHouse has grown from strength to strength.
The foundation of our success is a client focused service delivered through our investment managers – dedicated professionals who understand your financial requirements.
AssetHouse provides both discretionary and non-discretionary investment management services to clients who require an internationally diversified investment portfolio.
The range of services available includes:
Investment management
Financial structuring
Estate planning
Account administration
Structured products.

We are structured as a private company, established by a group of individuals from leading investment houses. The idea is to create an organisation entirely dedicated to our clients. We provide creative, yet conservative, risk management and investment solutions.

As managers of our client’s multi-dimensional portfolios (asset, region, currency, style and manager), AssetHouse will seek out the best mutual funds in various sectors from around the world and combine them in a single portfolio in an attempt to provide a superior investment. We have the experience and knowledge to guide you to the best investment providers, and our independence ensures access to the broadest range possible.

We diversify across many asset classes. This is a critical part of our investment approach which helps delivering consistent, predictable returns. Our performance is also a result of a disciplined asset allocation approach, using strategic as well as tactical asset allocation.

We do not offer “off the shelf” solutions. Our clients are all different, whether in terms of risk profile, tax situation or otherwise, and we create bespoke solutions, tailored to match their specific needs.

Mauritius, an independent and sovereign nation strategically located in the Indian Ocean and has the ideal time zone to conveniently transact with most of the world.
It is well known as a modern, innovative, and user-friendly legislation jurisdiction with internationally recognised standards of regulatory practice.
Advantages of Mauritius:
Availability of legal, accounting and financial professionals
A number of the world’s major banks are present in Mauritius
World-class telecommunications infrastructure – connected to the SAFE Fibre Optic Network
Double Tax Treaties with many countries
Political stability guaranteed by Parliamentary democracy
No exchange control
A hybrid legal system based on English and French law

An international bank or insurance company is the independent custodian of all the underlying assets in the client’s portfolio. The use of an independent custodian increases security by providing the client with an independent source of information on the portfolio. This information is reconciled monthly by AssetHouse, and any differences are queried and resolved.

Any investment managed or administered by AssetHouse is controlled by a mandate signed and agreed to by the Client. At no point does AssetHouse have access to, or is responsible for, the processing or handling of documents of title or cash belonging to the client.
In terms of the mandate, AssetHouse is authorised to:
Manage of investments in – securities and bonds listed on foreign exchanges that are licensed and recognised; and/or units in collective investment schemes approved, licensed and registered in foreign countries.
Buy, sell, switch or otherwise deal with investments through any member of a stock exchange and/or financial exchange and/or unit trust management company and/or insurance company and/or administrator and/or party approved to deal in the investments and at the sole and absolute discretion of AssetHouse; or only on the written instructions of the Client.
Ensure that all investments managed from time to time by AssetHouse are registered in the name of the Client or an approved nominee or custodian banker on behalf of the Client and for the Client's benefit and retained in a separately identifiable account for the Client.
Deposit all monies received in connection with the management, administration or safekeeping of investments to the credit of the Client into a designated bank account operated in terms of the relevant legislation.

The Mauritius Financial Services Commission is an independent regulatory established under the Financial Services Development Act (FSDA) 2001 to monitor the provision of non-bank financial services. The FSC is now the single regulator for the industry. Its powers encompass those of the former Stock Exchange Commission (SEC); The Insurance Division of the Ministry of Economic Development, Financial Services and Corporate Affairs (MEDFSCA) and the Mauritius Offshore Business Activities Authority (MOBAA).
The main role of the FSC is to protect the integrity and stability of the non-bank financial services sector and by so doing protect the interest of investors and consumers.
To achieve this the FSC oversees all participants in the non-bank financial industry including the stock exchange, the depository and settlement system, market intermediaries, collective investment schemes, insurance companies, and the global business sector. The FSC monitors and supervises them to reduce the risks of non-compliance with laws and regulations and to ensure financial soundness.
The FSC’s main activities are to:
Set licensing standards and grant licenses.
Enforce Codes and Guidance.
Authorise investment products and services.
Ensure compliance with expected standards of conduct and the law.
Handle complaints.
Investigate malpractices and fraud and take corrective actions.
Conduct off-site and on-site compliance visits of licensed entities
AssetHouse is also a licensed Financial Services Provider with the South African Financial Services Board.
Kemp Chatteris is a well established and highly respected firm of Chartered Accountants in Mauritius. We offer audit and assurance, fiscal services, accounting and consultancy services to our clients. The firm is a licensed auditor and regulated by the Financial Reporting Council. The firm is also a registered firm of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountant (“MIPA”).The firm has systems in place to conduct audits in accordance with International Standards of Auditing and follows the IFAC Code of Ethics.
3rd Floor, Cerné House,
La Chaussée Street,
Port Louis,
Telephone: +230 203 8000
Fax: +230 208 8002

Covers losses in respect of:-
Loss of money or property as a result of dishonest or fraudulent act committed by any employee.
Loss of Documents.
Covers legal liability arising from loss of documents including restoration costs.
Cost and Expenses.
Click below to view Conflict of Interest Policy:
This covers losses resulting from a fraudulent entry of data into, or changes to data or programs within our computer system, provided the entry or changes causes:-
Assets to be transferred
A client account to be added, deleted, debited or credited
An AssetHouse account to be added, deleted, debited or credited
An unauthorised or fictitious account to be added, deleted, debited or credited.
Click below to view Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility: